28 August 2010

a GOOD-BAD song for C1S

Tonight .. My handphone is low-battery. I borrow my brother’s, on his handphone there’s no good song (I swear). Buttt, there is A GOOD-BAD SONG for me. Can you guess what? The song is Ipang – Sahabat Kecil. Yeah, it is Laskar Pelangi soundtrack. Why I say GOOD-BAD SONG? Because ...


Because the lyric is so simple and full of meaning.

Why BAD?

Cause ... You know, when I hear that song I will cry (always). I don’t know why. I will remember my true friendship C ONE SYSTEM. Word by word always remain me to all of the happiness and sadness in the class. Can you imagine we are in the same class for three years ! soo, i hope you can feel what i feel now. (I’m crying again now).

For all C One System members, if you read this, I hope you will not forget all what have we done. Begin from Ijul was chosen as the leader of the class (for 3 years) until ... forever. We are always C One System.

Here is the lyric of Ipang – Sahabat Kecil (the song? click here)

hope you like that :]

Baru saja berakhir
Hujan di sore ini
Menyisakan keajaiban
Kilauan indahnya pelangi

Tak pernah terlewatkan
Dan tetap mengaguminya
Kesempatan seperti ini
Tak akan bisa di beli

Bersamamu ku habiskan waktu
Senang bisa mengenal dirimu
Rasanya semua begitu sempurna
Sayang untuk mengakhirinya

Melawan keterbatasan
Walau sedikit kemungkinan
Tak akan menyerah untuk hadapi
Hingga sedih tak mau datang lagi

Back to Reff:

Janganlah berganti
Janganlah berganti
Janganlah berganti
Tetaplah seperti ini

Janganlah berganti
Janganlah berganti
Tetaplah seperti ini

The last sentence make me crying more more mmmooorrreee ... :’)

Ichut Ichut Candid :]

Hiii all ! nice morning yaa ? (cold)

Okay, in this post I’ll introduce you to one of my friend. Her name is ...

ANNISA MARDLIYYAH (many people often wrong to write her name, like mardiyah, mardliyah, etc). She is kind girl (I hope she doesn’t read this post). She also a good friend. She doesn’t like people take her picture, but if you direct your camera to her, she will smile and ready to be captured. If you want to know her you can click this !

Hmm... I have some pictures of her. I take it by candid. She doesn’t know about this picts. Haha.. hope you like yaaa :]